Propaganda Station


Propaganda Station aims to make visible the various contemporary propagandas that actively shape our world today. The central installation is designed as an inversed panopticon: instead of surveilling the visitor, it provides the viewer a position of counter-surveillance over the work of propagandists that influence our everyday life.

Propaganda Station consists of various “cells.” Each cell introduces a different contemporary propaganda, such as Ultranationalist Propaganda, Alt-Right Propaganda, Liberal Propaganda, Financialization Propaganda, Empire Propaganda, Climate Propaganda and Geological Propaganda. Overseeing these different propaganda cells, the viewer becomes part of a reversed balance of power: now it is them surveilling the propagandists, instead of the other way around.

At the center of the installation is a “propaganda school,” where different artists, academics, journalists, theorists, campaigners and activists give lectures, workshops and trainings in the field of propaganda analysis, and (counter)propaganda work.

The term “station” in the Propaganda Station, can be read in multiple ways. The exhibition-project operates as a place where different propaganda models are “stationed.” Through the propaganda school, it is also a station that researches and transmits alternative narratives and ideas about the meaning of propaganda, its history, and its present-day application.

Propaganda School Faculty: Andrea Průchová Hrůzová, Jan Bělíček, Eliška Koldová, Andrea Tobolová, Gwendolyn Albert, Edita Stejskalová, Michal Klodner and Michal Feller (Ostrava chapter); Katerina Kolozova, Bojan Ivanov, Ana Petrusheva, Goran Janev, Irena Cvetkovikj, Jordan Shishovski, Nikola Naumoski, Nikola Gelevski, Biljana Tanurovska-Kjulavkovski and Marjan Zabrchanec (Skopje chapter); Beti Žerovc; Zdenka Badovinac; Igor Grubić; BLOK Collective; Free Palestine Collective, Irena Bekić, Petra Galović, Branka Stipančić, Sven Stilinović, Vlado Martek, Fedor Vučemilović and Boris Greiner (Zagreb chapter).


    Jonas Staal


    Jonas Staal (artist); Karina Kottová, Ivana Vaseva, Zdenka Badovinac (curators/ commissioners); Veerle Driessen and Nadine Gouders (coordination Studio Jonas Staal); Zuzana Šrámková, Ondřej Houšťava, Sára Davidová (production managers, JCHS); Paul Kuipers (architect); Remco van Bladel (graphic design); Ruben Hamelink (camera and video editing); Extended Production (construction); Lamija Čehajić (translation and subtitles, SJCH); Brian D. Vondrak (translation); Viktor Heumann (proofreading); Jan Kolsky (installation photography); Ernie Buts (photography post-production).


    Jindřich Chalupecký Society, Prague, Czech Republic


    Faculty of Things That Can’t Be Learned (FR~U), Bitola, Macedonia, MoCA Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje, Macedonia and MSU Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia


    Mondriaan Fund, Amsterdam, Netherlands; co-funded by the European Union within the scope of the international project Islands of Kinship, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the City of Ostrava, and the State Cultural Fund of the Czech Republic

Propaganda Station


Propaganda Station aims to make visible the various contemporary propagandas that actively shape our world today. The central installation is designed as an inversed panopticon: instead of surveilling the visitor, it provides the viewer a position of counter-surveillance over the work of propagandists that influence our everyday life.

Propaganda Station consists of various “cells.” Each cell introduces a different contemporary propaganda, such as Ultranationalist Propaganda, Alt-Right Propaganda, Liberal Propaganda, Financialization Propaganda, Empire Propaganda, Climate Propaganda and Geological Propaganda. Overseeing these different propaganda cells, the viewer becomes part of a reversed balance of power: now it is them surveilling the propagandists, instead of the other way around.

At the center of the installation is a “propaganda school,” where different artists, academics, journalists, theorists, campaigners and activists give lectures, workshops and trainings in the field of propaganda analysis, and (counter)propaganda work.

The term “station” in the Propaganda Station, can be read in multiple ways. The exhibition-project operates as a place where different propaganda models are “stationed.” Through the propaganda school, it is also a station that researches and transmits alternative narratives and ideas about the meaning of propaganda, its history, and its present-day application.

Propaganda School Faculty: Andrea Průchová Hrůzová, Jan Bělíček, Eliška Koldová, Andrea Tobolová, Gwendolyn Albert, Edita Stejskalová, Michal Klodner and Michal Feller (Ostrava chapter); Katerina Kolozova, Bojan Ivanov, Ana Petrusheva, Goran Janev, Irena Cvetkovikj, Jordan Shishovski, Nikola Naumoski, Nikola Gelevski, Biljana Tanurovska-Kjulavkovski and Marjan Zabrchanec (Skopje chapter); Beti Žerovc; Zdenka Badovinac; Igor Grubić; BLOK Collective; Free Palestine Collective, Irena Bekić, Petra Galović, Branka Stipančić, Sven Stilinović, Vlado Martek, Fedor Vučemilović and Boris Greiner (Zagreb chapter).

Earth Workers Requiem/Jubilate Propaganda Theater, Video Study